How do I talk to people in my life about my gender and sexuality?

Coming out to yourself or someone else is an incredibly personal decision. There's no right or wrong way to do it. If you want to come out, taking stock of people in your life who support and encourage you and who help you feel less alone can make a big difference. You might want to take some time to prepare what you want to say. Even writing it out and practicing with supportive people to figure out what you want to say and how to say it. It can be important to think about the range of reactions people may have, both the good and the bad ones. Unfortunately, coming out doesn't always go according to our hopes and plans. You deserve to be accepted with open arms, care, and love. In situations where things may feel unsafe or you expect they might be, it could make sense to prepare a backup plan for housing, food, school, and transportation. If you would like more information about coming out visit the — Save this question to your favorites if you'd like to talk about it more with your healthcare provider.
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